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Should you go vegan or stay a consumer of animal based sources of food?

How’s your food and health going THIS YEAR? It’s been quite THE YEAR so far, hasn’t it? While I get so many amazing messages from people that they are utilizing this time to maximize their health, and are eating right for themselves, I also get some other messages. Some folks who might be struggling to get back on track with food habits, fitness and health.

I am a vegetarian by choice and vegan because dairy doesn’t do well with my body.

However, I wouldn’t recommend that everyone chooses to go vegan to get “healthier” whatever that area of health might look like for your individual body.

Individual health requires individualized attention to food and there is never a blanket one size fits all approach.


I’ve addressed this topic in this video for you. whether you should go vegan or stay on to eat non-vegetarian food for your body.

Unless you are choosing to respectfully be vegan for ethical reasons you still need to eat nutritionally right for your health with regulated nutrients and portions. don’t go crazy with processed junk which are more notorious for your gut than any other animal based source of food.

If you are lacto-ovo vegetarians or meat eater or pesci be mindful about your consumption as excess of these proteins and fats are known to cause diseases and ailments, which I have spoken about. So hear me out, and see what’s going to be the best road for you. 🙂

There’s no “moral” lecture here for any of the two, just what goes well with your body.???

And if you have doubts or concerns about vegan food, vegetarian food or animal based sources of food, I’m always happy to help.??

I’ve talked about understanding why you should or should not be vegan (and hey! I AM A HAPPY HEALTHY VEGAN, myself. I wouldn’t propagate veganism to anyone unless it might be needed for your health and well-being.)


One of the questions that cropped up during this time was from a young man who asked me “Priyanka, I want to get healthy. Should I go vegan.”

I shrugged, for a while, and asked him why he would choose to go vegan? Is it only because he thinks he needs to get healthy? The answer was YES.

Well,  that’s the biggest myth or lie we would be living if I were to say we need to go vegan to become HEALTHY. 

In addition to the information on my IGTV to you, here’s what I would suggest.

If you are an able-bodied person  i.e. no medical conditions and just looking to eat well. Then, simply have:

  • a balanced meal at all times
  • regulated portions of your preferred food (whether it is animal based sources or plant based)
  • keep in mind your macros still count, such as 50% food should be carbohydrate based (grains, veggies and fruits) 30-40% should be proteins (plant based or animal based) and remaining is fat sources (plant based or animal based)


Veganism can be healthy, yes as plant sources have a variety of nutrient dense options but processed junk won’t come with the promise of “good health.” Then surely that’s not the best for your system.

However, if you are someone who is experiencing sudden increase in cholesterol, blood pressure and have cystic or gout based conditions, then yes, be mindful about animal based foods for sure. Hear me out about why being vegan or not might be for you and how you can make an informed choice. 



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